Category: Developer Logs

  • [DevLog #3] On Cosmetics

    Hi, cuties! Glimmer here. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? One idea Canni had early on for Cosmic Latte was that the characters should have alternate cosmetics (think: skins) that can be used for different occasions. For example, we have a Halloween analogue that we’re calling “Nightmare”, and characters that are attending this can have…

  • [DevLog #2] Magical Inheritance!

    Hello, cuties! It’s Glimmer again. Today we talk about characters. “But didn’t we just talk about characters last week?” Yes, we did! But only in the high level sense. Today, what I really want to talk about is the internal implementation of characters, with a sprinkle of inheritance for good measure. I won’t bore you…

  • [DevLog #1] Characters!! Characters…?

    Hi cuties, Glimmer here! It has been quite a while since I posted here. I figured I’d give you a general update on how development is going, where the game stands, and all that fun stuff. And maybe make it a habit to post here more often? Development for the game has been slow, but…